Membership - Join Now!
Membership is open to anyone who has an interest in the accordion and accordion music! The only qualification for membership is the payment of annual dues of $35 (after discount) and includes your entire household!
To join, print out a membership form, and return the completed form and dues to us at the address on the form or you may now join (and renew your membership) by completing the information below and clicking on the Pay Now button to process your membership. We will follow up by sending you a Survey Monkey questionnaire to request further membership information.
Our membership year runs from October 1st through September 30th. We do not prorate dues, but for people joining for the first time, after March 1st, your first year's membership will be extended to September 30th of the following year.
At this time we would also encourage you to consider making a donation to the San Francisco Accordion Club. Your donation enables us to make your membership dollars go even further in both supporting local perfomers and bringing you fine entertainment from around the world!
The SFAC is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization and all or part of your donation may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution.
We thank you for your membership and greatly appreciate your support!