Statement of Purpose of the San Francisco Accordion Club
The San Francisco Accordion Club is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization whose purpose is to enhance, promote and stimulate an appreciation for the accordion within the membership and throughout the general public. Donations are tax-deductible and gratefully accepted by using the Donate button on the Home page, or by mailing your contribution to the Club Treasurer.
Executive Board 2023
Rosemary Busher (Secretary)Paul Cain
Elaine Cooperstein (Treasurer)
Robert Cooperstein
Randall Hicks
Ken Schwartz (President)
Dominic Palmisano (Honorary)

The San Francisco Accordion Club in its present form was founded in 1990 as the Bay Area Accordion Club (BAAC) by five accordion enthusiasts.
Then (1990)

From left to right: Dominic Palmisano, Jim Holliday, Lou Soper,
Rusty Bartoli and Walter Traverso (circa 1990)
Rusty Bartoli and Walter Traverso (circa 1990)
The San Francisco Accordion Club has grown from its original 5 founders to presently over 150 members and families, all with a common interest to enjoy appreciation of fine accordion music.Here are just a few of our many fine performers from recent featured events:
- Gail Campanella
- Ron Borelli
- The Truccos
- Lou Jacklich
- Mike Zampiceni
- Alicia Baker
- The Klezmakers And many more!
Please follow this link to learn more about
the SFAC Today and a bit of San Francisco's Accordion History