San Francisco Accordion Club July 2009 Meeting

San Francisco Accordion Club July 2009 Meeting

San Francisco Accordion Club Band

Band Left Half

Jana Maas

Algis Ratnikas

Cafe Babar Jug Band

Algis and Pantomimist Mary Currier

Skyler Fell and Dominic Palmisano

Afterglow Dominic Palmisano and Dennis Stoscher

Musical Meeting July 2009 July Music Meeting-Did We Have Fun?

Pre-meeting "warm-up" music was provided by the San Francisco Accordion Band, affectionately known by some as the "Fun Band," which also was the first music on the program. The band provided some upbeat music while people came in, setting a happy atmosphere.

President Frank Montoro introduced and welcomed new members Patrick and Mary Currier of South San Francisco. Frank also announced the club barbecue, which takes place on Sunday, August 16.

The band continued playing, this time its planned program, which included The Band Played On; Carolina in the Morning; Colonel Bogey March (a.k.a. March on the River Kwai, but in its original form); When Johnny Comes March Home; Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes (in 4 parts); Just Because Polka; The Ash Grove (two parts); Five Foot Two; Take Me Out to the Ball game (2 parts); American Patrol in parts; and Margie.

Next on the program was Jana Maas, President of the Good Time Accordion Club in Escalon. Jana's music is always a joy to hear, she plays so smoothly and effortlessly, while smiling the whole time! The pieces Jana played included Moon River; Patricia, a waltz composed by Jana; Black & White Rag; Butterfly Musette; More; Beer Barrel Polka ; Tic-Toc Polka; and Crazy Accordion, one of her "signature" pieces. Beautiful job, Jana.

Following the delicious break, with the best sandwiches ever by Tuti, and the drawings for prizes and cash, the program resumed with Algis Ratnikas who played several very interesting Jewish, Yiddish and Klezmer and Lithuanian songs, plus Bésame Mucho. Joined by his "Café Babar Jug Band," (seven players: 4 guitars, a ukulele, a sort of zither, a washboard, fiddle and accordion-some played more than one instrument), Algis & Co. continued the music with several very entertaining pieces, some in Cajun and Zydeco style.

Don't miss out next event: the Club Barbecue on Sunday, Aug. 16, from noon on at the Oyster Point Yacht Club!

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