San Francisco Accordion Club February 2009 Meeting

San Francisco Accordion Club February 2009 Meeting

Steve Cannata

Diane Blais and Taffy Steffen

Don Nurisso

Debbie and the Docs

David Deanda and Robert Reich

Daniel Fabricant, Robert Reich, and Darren Johnston

Darnell Howes and Bill Bates


February Music Meeting: What a Show!

Warm-up player was Sue Hirigoyen who did a terrific job! Unfortunately I was unable to get a photo of her.

Pres. Frank Montoro introduced Bill Bates of the German music club Deutscher Musikverein and his friend Darnell Howes. We were happy to welcome two new members, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Moisio of Burlingame, and a couple of ladies on a research mission, Julie Caine and Marié Abe; as well as our two able resident accordion repair/restoration experts, Vince Cirelli and Skyler Fell.

We were then treated to an absolutely amazing and wonderful (and nonpolitical) story by André Paris, who was the personally invited guest at the inauguration of Pres. Barack Obama and his family. André was even the special guest of the Obamas at the family table at breakfast at the White House, and was even invited to play accordion, which was magically supplied on a rolling table. Well, whatever party one supports, this is undeniably a great honor. (When André asked how they knew he played accordion, the answer was "Oh, we know all about you or you wouldn't be here!)! André had a lot of photos and mementos to pass among the crowd.

Next we were treated to some fine music with "Debbie and the Docs," a trio of Debbie Knapp and her musical and M.D. husband Jim, plus Ph.D. musician Josh Chicacchio who played a variety of music, both familiar and new.

Jerry Choate from Chico played a wide variety of good old standards we all know and love.

We celebrated Jim Holliday's 90th birthday with cake and the works. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM!!!

The program finale was the Robert Reich Trio, featuring Robert Reich on accordion, Daniel Fabricant on bass and Darren Johnston on trumpet. This talented and young group also played a combination of old favorites and new music.

We thank all of today's performers for an outstanding show!


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