San Francisco Accordion Club August 2009 Meeting

San Francisco Accordion Club August 2009 Meeting

Skyler Fell, Melody Guzman and Walter Traverso

Mario Pedone

Lynn Ewing and Marian Kelly

Jerry Choate

Bob Smith


The weather cooperated and camaraderie prevailed at our Second Annual SFAC Barbecue at Oyster Point Yacht Club. Tuti's barbecued chicken and all the trimmings was, as always, excellent.

Several people signed up to play for "Open Mic" and the music was varied and entertaining, topped off by Mario Pedone, visiting California from Texas, who wowed the crowd as he always does.

Open Mic. players were Val Kieser, Bob Smith, Marian Kelly/Lynn Ewing duo, Skyler Fell, Roger Cromwell, Algis Ratnikas, Ron Harris, Vince Rinaldi, Sol Fenster, George Johnstone and Jerry Choate, AND Mario Pedone. We heartily thank all those brave souls who signed up to play. You are always welcome to play at any meetings, so don't think you can play only when we have "Open Mic"!

This year's barbecue was terrific, and just wait till NEXT year. We have plans to make it even better!


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