San Francisco Accordion Club May 2011 Musical Meeting

San Francisco Accordion Club May 2011 Musical Meeting

Don Savant and granddaughter Natalie, Age 14

Mike Zampiceni

The Great Morgani

Reno Di Bono Band

May Musical Meeting-

Don Savant played some familiar tunes in his jazzy, harmonious style, accompanied on two songs by his very talented and enchanting granddaughter Natalie. Mike Zampiceni followed with several familiar Latin and American tunes. The Great Morgani, whose costumes always amaze us, surprised everyone by changing into his costume on the stage, while performing. You can count on a fabulous and entertaining performance from him every time. The Reno Di Bono Trio, featuring Reno on accordion, Brent McHenry on drums, Dave Kawamoto on sax and clarinet, became a quartet with the addition of Steve Auerbach on bass--and together they put on another unforgettable show.

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