San Francisco Accordion Club January 2009 Meeting

San Francisco Accordion Club January 2009 Meeting

Gabe Soper

Salane Schultz

Lou Jacklich with Jane Tripi

Thor Miao

Lou Jacklich

Alex Gonzales Group

January 18 was a lively musical meeting, featuring the well-known accordion artist/teacher Lou Jacklich and some of his students: 15-year-old Gabe Soper (no relation to our founder Lou Soper!) who has been playing for 8 years already and is showing great promise; Salane Schultz, a former student of Lou Soper and now a student of Lou Jacklich, who is tackling some real tough accordion classics; Jane Tripi, a long-time student of Lou's, in duet with Lou; and Thor Miao, a gifted young man who shows a lot of technique. Of course Lou Jacklich's solo performance was outstanding as always.

Alex Gonzales and his lively Tex-Mex quartet (a trio today because their drummer was absent, being replaced by electronic percussion) played the second half. There was some seriously complicated and beautifully executed guitar work in there, as well as the tremendous technique shown by Alex Gonzales on his 3-row diatonic button accordion. They played some Tex-Mex and some American oldies-but-goodies.

More details and additional photos in the February club newsletter.

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